
Understanding Code Health of Hotspots

Understanding Code Health of Hotspots


In any software development project, it is important to maintain the health of the codebase in order to ensure long-term success and sustainability. One way to achieve this is by identifying and improving the code health of hotspots.

What are hotspots?

Hotspots are areas of the codebase that undergo frequent changes due to evolving requirements, bug fixes, or performance improvements. These are the places where developers spend a lot of their time. As a result, hotspots can accumulate a lot of technical debt and become more complex, which in turn makes them harder to maintain.

Hotspots are excellent starting points for improving the code health of the codebase, providing immediate benefits in terms of reducing technical debt.

Why hotspots’ code health is important

Maintaining the code health of hotspots will improve the team’s overall performance. Here are the main reasons to prioritise the code health of hotspots:

Development bottlenecks

One of the reasons the flow of the project slows down is because of complex code and poor maintenance of the codebase. Developers spend more time understanding the existing code and working around it, which may hamper productivity.

Risk of bugs

Since the hotspots are high activity zones, these are more susceptible to errors and bugs. If the code health of the hotspots is poor, it will increase the chances of bug occurrences and new issues.

Technical debt

Technical debt refers to the extra work required to fix shortcuts or suboptimal solutions implemented during software development to meet deadlines or other constraints. Addressing technical debt in the hotspots will significantly improve the code quality and maintainability.


Since hotspots are frequently touched areas, ensuring good code health is very important in these areas for better understandability and modifiability by different developers over time.

Identifying hotspots

Tools like CodeScene and CodeClimate use hotspot analysis and churn metrics to identify hotspots in the codebase. These tools analyse version control history and code metrics to identify hotspots. Based on complexity, duplication, and other metrics, these tools provide a list of hotspots that can be prioritised for refactoring to improve code health.

How to improve the code health of hotspots

Implementing the following practices will help improve the code health of hotspots.


  • Refactor the hotspots regularly to simplify code and reduce technical debt.

  • Break down large functions into smaller, cohesive units, and abstract common logic into reusable components or custom hooks.

  • Avoid deep nesting conditionals and bumpy roads.

Code reviews

  • Performing effective code reviews, especially for changes in hotspots, reduces the chances of introducing unmaintainable, complex code.

Automated testing

  • Increase the test coverage for hotspots.

  • Automated tests help catching bugs early, ensuring that changes do not introduce new issues to the system.


  • Maintaining a proper and comprehensive documentation helps new developers understand the code easily.

  • Maintain up-to-date documentation especially around hotspots in the form of code comments, design documents and usage guides.

Monitoring and metrics

  • Continuously monitor the health of hotspots with code analysis tools.

  • Track metrics like code complexity, duplication and churn.

  • Based on the reports of these metrics, prioritise improvements for code health.

Knowledge sharing

  • Knowledge sharing is an effective method to reduce the risks of knowledge silos.

  • Encourage team members to have pair programming sessions and knowledge sharing sessions for complex hotspots.

  • Having more team members familiar with the complex code and hotspots, reduces the risk of knowledge loss.


Maintaining the code health of hotspots is vital for the long-term success of any software project. By identifying these high-activity areas and focusing on regular improvements, you can reduce defects, increase productivity, and ensure the maintainability of your codebase. Implementing best practices such as refactoring, code reviews, automated testing, and knowledge sharing will help you keep your hotspots healthy and your development process smooth. Investing in the health of your hotspots today will pay off with a more robust and sustainable codebase in the future.

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