
GovWizely: Open-Source APIs for Public Domain Information

GovWizely were tasked with making many data sets publicly accessible via standardised HTTP APIs. These data sets were stored in places and formats which were difficult to access and decipher.

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Tech stack

Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Elasticsearch, AWS OpsWorks, ETL

The problem

GovWizely were tasked with making many data sets publicly accessible via standardised HTTP APIs. These data sets were stored in places and formats which were difficult to access and decipher.

Our solution

Our team build a web application which read a data source, transferred the data into an accessible format, populated this data into Elasticsearch indexes, then made the information available online via HTTP APIs.


Many data sets containing useful personal and business information became accessible to the public. GovWizely was able to deliver on their commitment to provide this service.

Your vision deserves a great dev team.

We're not about tech jargon or over-promising. Instead, we focus on clear communication, transparency in our process, and delivering results that speak for themselves.

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